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Binh Dinh people worship Lord Buddha’s sarira

Thứ hai - 05/08/2013 12:35

Binh Dinh people worship Lord Buddha’s sarira

Thousands of monks and followers attended a ceremony to worship Lord Buddha’s sarira at Long Khanh pagoda in Quy Nhon city, the central province of Binh Dinh, on July 31.


Photo: VnE

The sarira is a present of the Myanmar Buddhist Sangha for Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam Tran Bac Ha, who is also the chairman of the Association of Vietnamese Investors in Myanmar. He later presented the sacred relic to Binh Dinh province.

The sarira will be placed at Long Khanh pagoda for local Buddhists and people to worship until August 2 and then put inside a statue of Lord Buddha permanently at the Linh Phong Buddha-dharma complex on Linh Phong mountain in Phu Cat district.

Sarira is said to be the relics left over after the physical bodies of the Buddha and eminent monks were cremated.

Tác giả bài viết: tancogiaoduyen

Nguồn tin: VNA - BBD

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