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Doctoral Steles in Vietnam’s first university recognized world documentary heritage

Chủ nhật - 03/03/2013 11:54

Doctoral Steles in Vietnam’s first university recognized world documentary heritage

The Temple of Literature that is also known as the first university of Vietnam on Monday received the certificate of the National Heritage and its 82 stones doctoral steles were recognized the World Documentary Heritage, that confirm eternal worth of the knowledge monument in the ancient time.

The temple itself was recognized the World Documentary Heritage in 2010 when Hanoi city remarked its 1,000th birthday.

The Temple of Literature was founded in 1070 as a Confucian temple.

Temple of literature has been not only a symbol of Vietnamese culture and intellectuals but also a Confucianism cultural icon of Hanoi and the country for nearly 1,000 years.

The doctoral stones recorded names of doctors who were honored in the ancient time examinations during 15th to 18th centuries (1442  -1779) under the reign of Le Kings.

Every stone stele is a unique artwork and each text scripted on every stele is a sophisticated essay.
Philosophical, historical thoughts and views on education and training and using of talents are also displayed in the essays.

In addition, every doctoral stele is also considered a work of sculpture, a typical calligraphy of Vietnam that enriches the cultural life of the country and the World's Cultural Heritage.

Nowadays, top excellent students and those who have just received PhD diploma are often honored at the temple.

By Vinh Xuan-Translated by Huyen Huong

Tác giả bài viết: tancogiaoduyen

Nguồn tin: SGGP

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