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Cold front brings snowfall in Sa Pa Town

Thứ hai - 16/12/2013 12:42

Cold front brings snowfall in Sa Pa Town

The northern region is currently reeling under a cold front that brought snowfall on top of O Quy Ho mountain pass in Sa Pa Town in the northern province of Lao Cai on December 15.

Many roads and trees are now blanketed in white with snow and ice, said the management board of Hoang Lien Son National Park.

Temperatures plunged to 1-2 degrees celsius while it was subzero temperature in O Quy Ho mountain pass which is covered with thick fog and moisture droplets forming into 5-10cm layers of ice on streets.

Due to thick fog and ice, traffic on the roads has slowed to a crawl. The National Hydro Meteorological Forecasting Center forecasts that these conditions will last another two days. Cold front also brought medium to heavy rainfall in several areas of the Northern Provinces.

Currently temperatures in mountainous districts are from 8-10 degrees celsius.

Due to heavy rains these days, flooding has started from Hong River across Lao Cai Province, with water levels reaching 77.55 meters, while levels were exceeding second-stage warning level by two meters along Nhu Stream. This is a rare phenomenon to occur in the region.

Weather forecasts say that a new cold front will hit Lao Cai on December 16. Residents therefore need to take extreme caution against stone rain, flash whirlwinds and strong gales.

The Chairman of People’s Committee in Lao Cai Province has asked local districts to adopt preventive measures against the cold wave affecting cattle.

By Van Phuc - Translated by Uyen Phuong


Tác giả bài viết: tancogiaoduyen

Nguồn tin: SGGP

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